Stacking the Shelves (1)

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long break, high school has really taken a toll on my reading life! From now on I'm going to try to make some time to read more because I really do miss it. So since I'm trying to get back at it, let's get into this week's Stacking the Shelves!

1) The Fault In Our Stars by John Green- Yeah, I know I'm probably the only person on the face of this planet that hasn't read this book yet but that's going to change! 

2) Looking for Alaska by John Green- I'm trying to catch up on this John Green trend of books...I know I'm a disappointment. 


  1. I haven't read either of these either! LOL I don't like sad books so I passed on these. I did read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and plan to read Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherine's. Enjoy!

    My Stack

  2. TFIOS is phenomenal! I just got Looking For Alaska. I have read Paper Towns and I really liked that. John Green is an excellent writer - his characters are smart and quirky :) Love them! Hope you enjoy your books! Here's ours if you're interested: BiblioJunkies, Happy Reading! ~ Bel

  3. I only recently read The Fault in Our Stars and felt it really lived up to all the hype. I've yet to read anything else by John Green, but I'm really hoping to soon!


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