Review | Flower by Elizabeth Craft

Flower by Elizabeth Craft
Published by Harlequin Teen on January 3, 2017
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover
Source: Bought
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These are the things that I've always wanted: 
To get the top grades in my class. 
To make my grandmother proud. 
And most of all, proof that I could succeed where the rest of my family had not: a Stanford acceptance letter, early admission. 
My mother and my sister were obsessed with boys and love and sex. So obsessed that they lost sight of their futures, of what they wanted. And in the end, they lost everything. 
I'll never let a boy distract me. I promised my grandmother that. 
But that was before Tate. 
Before the biggest pop star on the planet took an interest in me
Before private planes and secret dates and lyrics meant for me alone. 
There's so much I don't know. Like why he left music. Where he goes when we're not together. What dark past he's hiding. But when we kiss, the future feels far away. And now…I'm not sure what I want.
Two words: Guilty pleasure. This novel will not be everybody's cup of tea, for it is one that tells the story of a typical teenage love affair. Tate is the cookie cutter teenage heartthrob, who has recently gotten into a little trouble as highlighted by the tabloids. Charlotte is the goody-two-shoes, cutting herself off from pop culture and social media in order to obtain straight A's and an admission into Stanford. Their two polar opposite worlds seemed as though they were never going to cross....until they did.

Tate caught Charlotte's eye as she was at work one day in her town's flower shop. However, much to Tate's surprise, Charlotte had no idea who he is. This is refreshing to Tate, and he begins to pursue a strong interest in Charlotte. Meanwhile, she is conflicted as she knows that she should remain focused on her studies...but there was something about this boy that urged her for more. As their complicated relationship takes shape, Flower tells the story of their many struggles, surprises and makeups. If you enjoy a good high school love story, you will not be disappointed with this novel. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!


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