Stacking the Shelves (4)

  Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be  physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

                                   This week I received three review books to read! 

The Superlatives: Biggest Flirts by Jennifer Echols- Thank you for this one Jennifer! I'm almost finished with this one and I absolutely adore it so far. 

Random by Tom Leveen- Thank you Simon and Schuster for this one! The story line for this one sounds amazing! Coming in August of 2014.

 Starry Night by Isabel Gillies- Thank you Macmillan for this! I actually started this one as well and it seems really cute! Coming in September of 2014.

      Thank you all for reading this weeks Stacking the Shelves! What did you get this week in the mail? Leave it in the comments below! Also, click that follow button on the left side column hehe. Happy reading! 


  1. Nice haul. Hope you enjoy reading them all.
    My StS

  2. I received Starry Nights as well. The finished cover is simply gorgeous (: Enjoy your books!

    Stacking the Shelves

  3. The Superlatives: Biggest Flirts looks really cute.

    Here's my STS:

  4. I'm kind of scared for Random by the cover, hope it's good! :) Happy reading!

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads


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