Top Ten Authors We Own The Most Books Of | Top Ten Tuesday (1)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

John Green
The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines 
J.K. Rowling
All Harry Potter books!

Stephanie Meyer
Twlight books, The Host

Ellen Hopkins
Perfect, Crash, Burn, Fallout, Tricks, Impulse

Lauren Oliver
Delirium series, Before I Fall

Lauren DeStefano
Chemical Gardens trilogy, Perfect Ruin

Marisa Meyer
Cinder, Scarlet, Cress

Tahereh Mafi
Shatter Me trilogy

Veronica Roth
Divergent series

Stephanie Perkins
Anna and Lola!


  1. I also have own Cinder, Scarlet and Cress. I have read the first two and I loved them :). The author I own most of is J.K. Rowling. I own her Harry Potter series but I would love to read her crime books. Great list!

  2. Must read John Green! One of my goals for this year. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. I have all those books as well, except for Ellen Hopkins and Stephanie Perkins. Though most of my John Green books are ebooks. Great list! =D

  4. I've heard such mixed reviews about Shatter Me series. I'm hesitant to read it. What did you think?

    Great list! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  5. I really need to finish reading my John Green books! Great list :)

    Patty @Bookish Wanderlove

  6. I would love to read something from Lauren DeStefano! :D

  7. Great list! I love all of these authors! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  8. Good list, Samantha! I've read books by almost all these authors and they're good..

  9. Great List. We have a lot of the same authors. I still need to read Cinder and the Shatter Me Series. Hopefully I'll get around to them soon

  10. I have several Ellen Hopkins books on my shelf that I haven't read yet, though I've really liked the ones I've read so far. Thanks for sharing your author collections!

  11. Lauren Oliver, she is on my list as well.. Delirium is one of my favorites :) I love Cinder and Scarlet as well... I really need to pick up Cress!!! And Stephanie Perkins <3 Great list!!!!

  12. J.K. Rowling also made my list! I also own or want to own the authors that you listed. There are just so many great books out there right now. :) I hit the follow button as well.

  13. I tried to follow but the link said that it was out of date... sorry. :(

  14. I love so many of the authors on your list! I've only read a couple of books by Ellen Hopkins, and I really need to read more of her! I also started following your blog! Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier.

    Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee

  15. Great list! I've read a handful of these authors.

  16. I love all these books..:) Grt choices..:)

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  17. J.K.Rowling and Lauren Oliver are on my list too. Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

  18. I completely forgot about Stephenie Meyer! I owe all the Twilight books including the novella and the Host.

  19. Great list. :) You have a lot of my favourite books listed here.

  20. J.K. Rowling and Veronica Roth are on my list. I do own Shatter Me and some of John Green's books and The Host. Thanks for stoppin by!

    Henna @ Howling for Books

  21. This is a great list!! Pretty much all of these authors are authors I love!

  22. I just bought Lauren Oliver's Panic...will be my first time reading her.

  23. we share many of the same fave authors. Great list!

  24. Great list! Other than the top 3, most are on my TBR list :) Happy reading :)

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.


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